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2010-7-6 0:00:00  人气:1239次  

Research Opportunity
The ophthalmic optics and imaging lab in the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Alabama at
Birmingham (UAB) has an immediate opening for two postdoctoral researchers. We will also have two PhD
student positions available.

Our current research focuses on developing advanced retinal imaging technology that facilitates study of the retinal structure and function in the living mammalian eye at the cellular, subcellular and even the molecular level, with the promise leading to improved understanding and treatment of human retinal diseases.

A major imaging modality that we are developing is adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy, which can produce in-vivo retinal images with unprecedented resolution and contrast. It is also an excellent platform for incorporating other imaging modalities such as optical coherence tomography, fluorescence, and retinal functional imaging to achieve multifunctional and multispectral in-vivo 3-D retinal imaging at the cellular level.

The research involves optical, electrical/electronic system design, assembly and testing; particular, system software programming including real-time image acquisition, computer control of cameras and deformable mirrors, etc. In addition to the engineering development, the candidates will get involved in basic science study and patient-oriented research. He/she is also expected to publish papers and give presentations on scientific topics either related to technical progress or clinic disease case study.

The candidates for the postdoc researcher are expected to have a PhD in optical, electrical engineering, vision science or related fields, and experiences with one or more of the following fields including adaptive optics, scanning laser ophthalmoscopy/microscopy, optical coherence tomography, optical, electronic instrumentation. Knowledge of optical system design, construction and image processing is necessary.Candidates with strong scientific programming skills in C++/Matlab/labview will be favorably considered.

Rank and salary will be commensurate with qualification and experience. The initial appointment is one year and extendable depending upon performance and available funding. Applications will be reviewed immediately until all the positions are filled.

The candidates for the PhD graduate position are for motivated undergraduates with background and skills in optics, electronics, programming and signal processing, Good engineering skills are expected including hardware, optoelectronics design and software programming (Visual C++, Matlab, Labview). A previous biophotonics experience is not mandatory but would be an asset.

The enrollment will be through the UAB Biomedical Engineering Department, or UAB School of Optometry.
The tuition and stipend will be paid by the lab’s research grant. Enrollment would start Fall Semester, 2010. More information can be obtained by contacting Prof. Yuhua Zhang

UAB is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and minority and women candidates are especially encouraged to apply.

Please send a letter of interest and a current curriculum vitae and contact information of three references via email (is preferred) or mail to:

Yuhua Zhang, PhD
Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, Biomedical Engineering, and Vision Science
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Ophthalmology Department
700 South 18th Street, CEFH DB107-0009, Birmingham, AL 35233


地址:长春市营口路88号 邮编:130033 电话:0431-86176863 传真:0431-85699971
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